Dust Clouds and Rainy Days

The truth of the matter is I have no idea what to blog about. I am the same person, sure, with the same amount of thoughts, but I also change. Hence I have decided to jump right into it and wing it, if you’ll bare with me. 

Everyone lies, we know that pretty well by now. But what is it about lying that just puts us down or sets us off? Is it the dishonesty? Most probably. But we are all dishonest in our day to day life, in the small things we do, when we interact with other people etc. But then we also differentiate between lies and ‘white’ lies. Now white lies are where the person lying has innocent or not malicious  intentions behind. Then there are different kinds of people, some will not lie at all, some will hide but not lie, some will lie to get revenge or the usual bad intention dishonesty, then there are the white liars, then there are people who will lie but will be egotistical about it and will never admit that they lied,  and some will admit. 

What is the best case scenario, and what is the worst? Well, that’s obvious. 

Recently, it has been nagging me that ‘would I be okay with someone lying to me?’ And I realized, that depends. For example, our parents keep things from us all the time, and when you later find out what they were you realize that they made a good decision as it would not help you, in that stage in life. 

So, even though it hurts your ego, you have to admit its not dishonesty, it’s the intentions that matter. It hurt my ego quite a bit. It is also the case that at times people lie and hide because they are ashamed of something, or simply not ready to open up. You can’t call that lying, that’s basic survival. Because they feel that if they tell you that particular thing prematurely, you might go away. 

We have developed a very odd society, which actually prospers in its famous way when people act like something they are not. When they hide their flaws by putting on make up, or use their dad’s name for perks, or hide the mistakes they made by lying and cheating. Genuine human emotions and desire are obviously going to fizzle out in rainy weather like this, where you have to duck and cover all of your being to be comfortable. Yes, comfortable. You will still live if you walk out in the rain, as much as society tells you that you will not survive. You might get wet, but you will be free. Our societies do not support that because then we would all walk out and create a dust cloud of things, which God only knows if ever will settle, and we humans are very afraid of erratic, random, unexplained, unexpected behavior. We are wusses, quite frankly. And oddly, is this same society, people will celebrate people who are different, who did follow society’s rigid rules, who grew out of it. At the same time we know that everyone is not exactly an Einstein, so if we give unquestioned freedom to people who are not yet, lets say, prepared for that kind of responsibility, what do we do with them? That is exactly where society comes in the limelight. It helps people who are not prepared to mature in an environment which is stable and dependable, and safe. 

Basically it all comes down to one thing: balancing between what is fair and just and what is not. And the minute we tip it more towards the negative side, we lose our way. Everything is beautiful, and admirable in a poetic way, but what is true does not change, and neither should we deviate from that. 


Shuttling between two areas can have its advantages and disadvantages. When I was eleven years old my father thought it better to take me and my sister to our village, Baffa (more of a town now, really). We have been living there since then. People in Baffa ask us if we like it better there or in Islamabad, and so do people in Islamabad. There are market places there, as there are in the Capital. People in the village don’t have a purpose, nor do people in the city.

Initially it would confuse us; we would see money and material success in the city, and then we would go back to the village and realize how people in both the places are so very similar. Neither did we become backward by living in the village, nor did we succumb to becoming [the new] modern in the city. Then, what really sets people apart? What, in reality, makes a person?

Of course, as a result both me and my sister feel as if we don’t belong in either of the places, but that is more because we would rather not belong instead of us being incapable. We have friends in the village (Pushtun, by the way), we have friend in this country’s capital, and in many places other than our country alone. We could communicate and relate to everyone as if they were one and the same; we become culture-less. No culture in the world tied us to their beliefs. We had male friends, young friends, and old friends in addition the socially accepted ones and the non.

Why? How?

Knowledge, my friend, the key to all this is knowledge. I know, its a very cliche concept, and most of you have heard it more than once in your life. Some of you might even have been drilled to believe it. But it remains to be a fact – I am a living example.

Somehow, knowing the hows and whys of things gives you a depth in your personality which can come no other way, no m

Shuttling between two areas can have its advantages and disadvantages. When I was eleven years old my father thought it better to take me and my sister to our village, Baffa (more of a town now, really). We have been living there since then. People in Baffa ask us if we like it better there or in Islamabad, and so do people in Islamabad. There are market places there, as there are in the Capital. People in the village don’t have a purpose, nor do people in the city.

Initially it would confuse us; we would see money and material success in the city, and then we would go back to the village and realize how people in both the places are so very similar. Neither did we become backward by living in the village, nor did we succumb to becoming [the new] modern in the city. Then, what really sets people apart? What, in reality, makes a person?

Of course, as a result both me and my sister feel as if we don’t belong in either of the places, but that is more because we would rather not belong instead of us being incapable. We have friends in the village (Pushtun, by the way), we have friend in this country’s capital, and in many places other than our country alone. We could communicate and relate to everyone as if they were one and the same; we become culture-less. No culture in the world tied us to their beliefs. We had male friends, young friends, and old friends in addition the socially accepted ones and the non.

Why? How?

Knowledge, my friend, the key to all this is knowledge. I know, its a very cliche concept, and most of you have heard it more than once in your life. Some of you might even have been drilled to believe it. But it remains to be a fact – I am a living example.

Somehow, knowing the hows and whys of things gives you a depth in your personality which can come no other way, no matter what you do. It brings you great joys too.

The same village has so many girls going to American universities on scholarships that even I was pleasantly surprised that people value knowledge enough to send their well-protected and looked after young girls to strange lands.

Whenever I, personally, have ventured out to learn something or gain knowledge of any kind, whether its reading a Wikipedia page on feminists, or Mozart’s symphonies, I have always, always found joy and satisfaction in it. And the best part? It will never end. So, conclusively, we must all learn and strive to becoming better as our minds gain consciousness of ourselves and our surroundings. Only knowledge can set you apart from others, and the effect it has on your personality. Wouldn’t hurt to try, now, would it?


Amusing Waters

Every bath brings along a new change within me, and so, with-out. These changes vary from bath to bath, but there is one consistent change that I very much value; the ability to humor myself and others, i.e. take things lightly and be witty about it. No, really, it’s an art – one I haven’t mastered and gotten under my wing… Yet.

Envying people comes easily to me, but then I make a point to develop a healthy relation, but that’s selfish, since then I can know their secret and, maybe, one day become somewhat like them – till I find someone else envy-worthy and then I shift my attention to them, leaving the former desperate to understand where did their best friend go.

Anyway, humor is really important to go through life with. How else do you expect to laugh through tough times and other odd situations that concern very odd people who do very, very odd things? You must laugh. There’s no going around that conclusion.

Somehow, though, one can never exactly remember when one has been laughing and it’s cause.

Oh well, must be worth something, no?

Coming back to the real topic, baths can be magical and life-changing – if you want them to be, that is. Accepting all sorts of change is so important that one should always give everything/everyone the benefit of a doubt. I know I’d want one, especially after a bath.

The Other Side Of The Argument

Sentimental Logic

Every time I lose someone, I think about all the other complex souls waiting for me on this planet and the life after. There are too many things to do and think over than to waste energy on lost souls that were lame enough to ditch.

Anywho, I would’ve probably done the same.. Somehow bonding and breaking up in the flash of a second comes a bit too easily for me! Cant decide if its morally/ethically right and wrong, but its handy when you dont want shallow/flat/lame/bleugh relations to surround you. For example, when one’s quick to develop a bond then that person will actually care for what the other one has to say, right? Of course, if you dont connect, then you’ll take the other person lightly. When you’re quick to break off as soon as you realize that it isn’t going to work out, then you’re helping yourself, and the other dweeb, big time!

Say, if me and another person are always arguing or want different things, then we’ll never be able to develop a strong bond, eventually making all efforts to make that happen will go in vain.. Now, who wants that? Plus, the longer you take on the breaking up scenario and getting over it, the more time and energy you’re going to waste on something that has no future whatsoever. It is very much possible, that people carry a relation on just to have fun, or not to develop bad taste towards each other. But honestly, when you dont actually like someone and dont want to keep a regular contact, then keeping a shallow (and somewhat low in value) relation is just pathetic, both logically and emotionally. Unless the person is amazing, and a lovely human being, and you both dont connect on a couple of things but still end up having a lovely meet and greet that leaves a smile on your face for the remaining part of the day, then just let go.

I dont see why is it that hard! Logic will always trump emotion for me and I dont see anything wrong with that, since emotions are a tool that inspire thoughts and logic makes us understand, process and let us decides which one of those thoughts to keep or discard.